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After downloading the translator, launch it. If you encounter errors trying to launch the program you may need to download .NET4 or the C++ redistributable, or both. Try .NET4 first. The links to download those products are provided on the overview page.

Setting up your multitouch driver
First, make sure your multitouch surface is set to TUIO only mode and is broadcasting events on port 3333. This will be the default for most systems. Shown here is a configuration screen for a Zaagtech multitouch frame.

It's important that Windows HID events are not coming through in addition to the TUIO data. Having other protocols active at the same time as TUIO can make the Chrome browser misbehave during game play. Some multitouch drivers don't offer this setting, but please use it if you have the option.

Basic operation
When you first launch the translator the WebSocket will be listening at port 3334. At this point the translator is not connected to your multitouch driver. This leaves your TUIO connection open for other applications. The translator can be minimized to the system tray and it will continue to run in the background. If the "TUIO Client Status" indicates "not connected" then the translator is not using your TUIO system.

When one of the specially written Chrome games connects to the WebSocket the translator will automatically connect to the TUIO stream from your multitouch driver. At this point other applications on your system may not be able to use the TUIO connection. The translator will indicate "Active" on the WebSocket status and "Connected" on the TUIO Client Status.

Windows Tray Notifications
When the translator is minimized it will appear only in the system tray. When it goes idle, or goes active it will post a notification. If you want to terminate the translator just double click the tray icon and close the application normally.

Windows7 users may want to make the icon always visible in the tray settings menu (click the wrench). This is recommended if you chose to leave the translator running in the background when not in use.

Advanced Configuration

By clicking the Advanced Configuration button on the translator you can access the port settings directly. The "exhaustive logging" and "force send" features on the advanced configuration panel are developer features. Exhaustive logging shouldn't be enabled during normal operation, as it will slow down your system measurably.

The first thing you want to do when changing port numbers is to uncheck the "Automatic Mode" box. This will prevent the translator from making new connections while you are trying to change port numbers. Then click the "Close Server" and "Disconnect" buttons in the WebSocket and TUIO controls, respectively. This terminates any existing connections and ensures a clean state for your new port settings.

Once automatic mode is un-checked and the existing connections are closed you can change the WebSocket port and the TUIO port.

Only change the WebSocket port if you absolutely cannot have a socket open on 3334. Otherwise each game you play will also have to be configured to use the new WebSocket location. If your system is sending TUIO on a port other than 3333 you should change that setting at this time. Changing the TUIO port setting requires no corresponding changes in the games themselves.

Once the ports are at their new settings re-check the "Automatic Mode" checkbox. The translator will now resume normal operation.

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